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Triangle Trust
Supporting 16 to 24 year olds

This project provides mentorship to ethnic minority young people in Nottingham who are aged 16-24 years, have a criminal record and/or are not in education, employment, or training (NEET). The goal of the project is to help these young people reach their full potential by providing them with positive role models, support, and guidance

Therapeutic Support for Children and Young People
Supporting 10 to 25 year olds

This service provides culturally specific interventions to 10–25-year-olds who have been a victim, perpetrator or otherwise affected by serious violence or exploitation. We take a public health approach through our counselling support, that focuses on the whole person and their potential for growth. Our counsellors create a safe and supportive environment so that they can identify, understand and overcome a range of issues. 

Detached Youth Work
Outreach Work


Our Detached Youth Work project is a new and exciting way we are trying to engage with local young people. Detached youth work is a way of providing support to potentially vulnerable and "at-risk" young people, away from traditional youth work venues and out in their own communities

Domestic Abuse and Sexual
Supporting 18+ year olds
In 2022 we launched this service to provide specialist and culturally specific support to survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence.  This type of counselling can help survivors process their experiences in a way that is respectful of their cultural values and beliefs. 

We believe this service can help survivors feel more comfortable and understood, and it can also help them to connect with other survivors from their own community

Imams Leading for Change


This project is being delivered across Derby and is the first of its kind in this area. We wanted to create a project that worked with local Imams, Mosques, Community leaders and community members to start challenging conversations about domestic abuse and coercive control. A programme was devised to train Imams on the topic so that they could cover Domestic Abuse and Coercive control as part of a Sermon at the local mosques.  

Children and Domestic Abuse Support
Supporting 6 to 18 year olds

Children Affected by Domestic Violence, otherwise known as CADA, is our culturally specific service that supports children affected by domestic abuse with counselling that is designed to meet the needs of children from ethnically diverse communities. This includes providing counselling using culturally appropriate interventions and understanding the child's cultural and religious beliefs and values. 

Gambling Addiction Support service  
Supporting All Ages

We provide a bespoke service that includes culturally specific, one to one, counselling to overcome the challenges faced by ethnically diverse individuals and their families suffering the harms of gambling addiction.  

Culturally specific counselling for gambling addiction support services is tailored to the specific needs of people from a particular cultural background who are struggling with gambling addiction.

Educate to Eliminate: Raising awareness of Hidden Harm in ethnically diverse communities  


Within this project we have developed and are delivering informative workshops to local professionals, voluntary sector organisations and statutory services who work with Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and refugee communities. The workshops have been designed to make professionals aware of the hidden harms in these communities such as honour-based abuse, female genital mutilation, breast ironing,

Reaching Diverse Communities

Supporting 9+ year olds


Our aim of this project is to support communities to overcome multiple adversities including addiction and crime and to fulfil their full potential. We endeavour to improve the lives of ethnically diverse communities and support them to make positive life choices.

Youth Diversionary Program – Fitness / Educational Workshops / Mentoring

Supporting All Ages


We recognise the importance of prevention and early intervention for young people. That is why we ensure that our charity is always seeking funding opportunities to provide a constant stream of youth diversionary projects for local young people.

Fighting Crime – Make Notts Safe

Supporting 12 to 28 year olds


This 2-year project funded by Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner is aimed at young people aged 12-28 in the Radford and Hyson Green areas of Nottingham. We want to engage with local young people who are victims of crime or are at risk of becoming involved in a range of issues relating to drugs, gangs and criminal exploitation.

Summer Boxing Camp  

Supporting 11 to 18 years old

Over the summer we will be hosting additional boxing sessions at Rebels Gym for 11–18-year-olds at risk of crime in Nottingham. We will aim to improve their mental and physical health and reduce the risk of anti-social behaviour. The project will offer boxing sessions, workshops, mentoring support and gym access.

Weekly mutual aid meetings

Supporting 18+ year olds



We hold weekly mutual aid meetings for men in recovery or those who want to find out more about accessing support.

Let’s Work Together

Email us directly at



Unit 6, Lenton Business Centre, Lenton, Nottingham NG7 2BY

Charity No. 1167038


BACP Registered


0115 786 9206

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